Synoptic pitch… how’d it go?

To answer the question in the title, my reply would be ‘suprisingly well’.

Considering I’m willing to give it a go and have that alongside my placement and other work. I think that if this project were to be chosen by some, I’d have to plan the full development pipeline and roles a week prior to groups being populated.

Speaking of which I also need to choose the right people for the job, for me; this means going back through memory of how I saw others work throughout the 2 nearly 3 years of college.

Anyway, back to the pitch…

I found that the powerpoint was good A.k.a didnt mess up, and I also found presenting it was kind of surprising when I got compliments from some eventhough I myself looked back and found many gaps I should have filled (maybe including a missing font at the end).

Other than that, sitting there and watching others present their ideas honestly surprised me. Many different themes but mostly games with I believe 3 film projects including mine I have chosen my 3 choices for what to work on but that will come in another blog.

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