Analysis of video game design: Crash Bandicoot: Twinsanity

Ahh the good old days of our favourite Bandicoot whom goes by the name of Crash and the evil nemisis, Cortex.

Crash Bandicoot, released in 2004 by Activision and carried on by many developers over the years such as Travelers Tales who were founded in 24 Jan 2005 · Knutsford, England & Naughty Dog. The development is quite simplistic, but the overall art style overcoats the simplistic mechanics` to make everything look amazing. On a lighter note, the game was designed with the PlayStations dual stick functions. this made the games movement a lot controls easier and add an additional movement to the camera giving the player the best perspective and a way to control what they see.

Twinsanity introduced to the players to what it was like to roam around an environment alongside interacting with external assets, platform puzzles and gather hidden collectables.

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I will agree that in comparison to games nowadays, the graphic capability was pretty mediocre but still aesthetically pleasing. overall, crash bandicoot still makes its way through the years adding ever so slightly to the franchise with amazing games alongside the re-master which is set to release later in 2017.

Analysis of Video game design…

Mario Galaxy

When it came to multi platforms, unique puzzles and basically the most beautiful looking aesthetics which a game can offer. Mario galaxy never ceases to step up to the mark…

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